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Application Layer

Located at the top level of the software hierarchy, the application layer implements the system functionality and logic. From a functional perspective, all modules in the application aim to perform system functions. From a system perspective, each application is a separate OS process. Typically, applications run in the less-privileged processor mode and use the API provided by the OS to interact with the OS.

System Services

Located at the top level of the software hierarchy, the application layer implements the system functionality and logic. From a functional perspective, all modules in the application aim to perform system functions. From a system perspective, each application is a separate OS process. Typically, applications run in the less-privileged processor mode and use the API provided by the OS to interact with the OS.


Timing, MPU, Stack management, interupt handling, scheduling and interaction between application, those are the high level functions of Real Time Operating System. If Zephyr, freeRTOS or other real-time system, well-though layered software structure allows faster and reliable porting to desired OS and architecture.

Time Critical Driver

In case there is a dedicated driver which from the access needs or timing importance does not fit into the Driver and/or System service layer, time critical a.k.a Complex drivers are solving this.

Hardware abstraction layer

Layer which deals with the Hardware regsiters and provide the low levev access is called HW abstraction. Accesses are made on functional level, but still at lowest logical function possible. Bigger function blocks are build in Time Critical Drivers or Driver Layer.

Time Critical Driver​

In case there is a dedicated driver which from the access needs or timing importance does not fit into the Driver and/or System service layer, time critical a.k.a Complex drivers are solving this.

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